query with condition django

from django.db.models import Q
from myapp.models import MyModel

# Define the conditions for the query
condition1 = Q(field1=value1)
condition2 = Q(field2__gte=value2)
condition3 = Q(field3__icontains=value3)

# Combine the conditions using logical operators
# Here, we're using 'AND' to combine conditions
combined_conditions = condition1 & condition2 & condition3

# Execute the query using the combined conditions
results = MyModel.objects.filter(combined_conditions)


  1. Import Necessary Modules: The code starts by importing necessary modules. Q allows creating complex queries using logical operators, and MyModel represents the Django model on which the query will be performed.

  2. Define Conditions: Conditions are created using the Q object, allowing for specific field-value comparisons. In this example, condition1, condition2, and condition3 represent different conditions based on field values (field1, field2, and field3) and respective values (value1, value2, and value3).

  3. Combine Conditions: Using logical operators (&), the conditions are combined. In this case, they are combined using 'AND', meaning all conditions must be true for a record to be included in the results.

  4. Execute Query: The filter() method of the Django model is used with the combined conditions (combined_conditions). This performs the query on the MyModel database table, retrieving records that satisfy all the conditions specified in the combined conditions.

  5. Results: The variable results holds the queryset returned by the filter operation. This queryset contains instances of MyModel that meet the specified conditions.