django query multiple conditions

To perform a Django query with multiple conditions, you can use the filter() method. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Import the necessary models: Make sure to import the models that you want to query from.

  2. Use the filter() method: Call the filter() method on the model you want to query from. Pass in the conditions you want to apply as keyword arguments. Each keyword argument represents a condition.

  3. Specify the conditions: In the keyword arguments, specify the field names and the corresponding values you want to filter on. You can use comparison operators like __exact, __iexact, __contains, __icontains, __in, __gt, __gte, __lt, __lte, __startswith, __istartswith, __endswith, __iendswith, __range, __year, __month, __day, __week_day, __hour, __minute, __second, __isnull, etc.

  4. Chain multiple conditions: If you want to apply multiple conditions, simply chain them using the filter() method. Each subsequent filter() call will further narrow down the results.

  5. Retrieve the results: To retrieve the results of the query, you can either iterate over them or access them directly using indexing.

Remember to adjust the field names, values, and conditions according to your specific requirements.