Django pull from Google Sheets

To pull data from Google Sheets using Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the required packages by adding gspread and oauth2client to your requirements.txt file and then running pip install -r requirements.txt to install them.

  2. Create credentials in the Google Cloud Console and download the JSON file containing the client secrets.

  3. Share the Google Sheets file with the client email in the JSON file to allow access to the sheet.

  4. Use the client secrets JSON file to authenticate and authorize access to the Google Sheets API.

  5. Create a service object using the gspread package and open the desired Google Sheet by its title or key.

  6. Access the specific worksheet within the Google Sheet.

  7. Read the data from the worksheet using methods provided by the gspread package.

  8. Process the data as needed within your Django application.