Django Change Password

To change the password using Django, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a view for the password change functionality in your Django application. This can be done by defining a function-based view or a class-based view. In this view, you will handle the logic for changing the password.

  2. Import the necessary Django modules and classes. You will need to import the PasswordChangeForm class from django.contrib.auth.forms and the password_change function from django.contrib.auth.views.

  3. In the view function, create an instance of the PasswordChangeForm class and pass the request as an argument. This form will handle the password change form submission and validation.

  4. Check if the form is valid by calling the is_valid() method on the form instance. If the form is valid, you can proceed with changing the password.

  5. Call the save() method on the form instance to save the new password. This will update the user's password in the database.

  6. After successfully changing the password, you can redirect the user to a success page or display a success message.

  7. Map the view function to a URL in your Django application's file. This will enable users to access the password change functionality through a specific URL.

  8. Test the password change functionality by accessing the corresponding URL in your web browser. Enter the old password, the new password, and confirm the new password. If everything is working correctly, the password should be changed successfully.

Remember to handle any potential error scenarios, such as invalid form submissions or authentication failures, to provide a smooth user experience.