django model queries

To perform Django model queries, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: Begin by importing the necessary modules for Django and database connectivity, such as django.db.models.

  2. Define the model: Create a model class that represents a database table or collection. Define the required fields and their types using Django's field classes like CharField, IntegerField, etc. You can also add additional attributes like null, blank, default, etc., to customize the behavior of the fields.

  3. Create objects: Instantiate objects of the model class to represent individual records in the database. Set the values for the fields by directly accessing them as attributes of the object.

  4. Save objects: To save the objects in the database, call the save() method on each object. This will create new records if the objects are not already present, or update the existing ones if they are.

  5. Retrieve objects: To retrieve objects from the database, use Django's query methods like objects.all(), objects.get(), objects.filter(), etc. These methods allow you to retrieve all objects, get a specific object based on certain conditions, or filter objects based on specific criteria.

  6. Update objects: To update objects in the database, retrieve the desired objects using query methods and modify their attributes. Then, call the save() method on each object to save the changes.

  7. Delete objects: To delete objects from the database, retrieve the desired objects using query methods and call the delete() method on each object.

By following these steps, you can effectively perform Django model queries to interact with your database and manipulate data as per your requirements.