The MESSAGE_TAGS setting in Django is a dictionary that defines the mapping between message levels and corresponding tag values used in the framework's messaging system. This system is often utilized to display messages to users about certain events or actions.

The available message levels in Django are:

  • DEBUG: This level is used for messages related to debugging purposes.
  • INFO: Messages at this level provide general information.
  • SUCCESS: Used for messages indicating successful actions.
  • WARNING: Messages that highlight potential issues or warnings.
  • ERROR: Messages indicating errors or critical issues.

Here's how the MESSAGE_TAGS setting is configured within a Django project's settings file:

    django.contrib.messages.constants.DEBUG: 'alert-info',
    django.contrib.messages.constants.INFO: 'alert-info',
    django.contrib.messages.constants.SUCCESS: 'alert-success',
    django.contrib.messages.constants.WARNING: 'alert-warning',
    django.contrib.messages.constants.ERROR: 'alert-danger',


  • MESSAGE_TAGS is set as a dictionary.
  • django.contrib.messages.constants.DEBUG, django.contrib.messages.constants.INFO, django.contrib.messages.constants.SUCCESS, django.contrib.messages.constants.WARNING, and django.contrib.messages.constants.ERROR are keys representing message levels.
  • The corresponding values are strings indicating the CSS classes to be used with each message level. These classes are often associated with different colors or styles in frontend frameworks (like Bootstrap) for visual distinction.

This configuration helps in styling messages differently based on their severity or purpose, allowing for clearer presentation to users within the web application's interface.