django listview

The Django ListView is a view that displays a list of objects. Here are the steps involved in using the ListView:

  1. Import the necessary modules: python from django.views.generic import ListView from .models import YourModel

  2. Create a subclass of ListView and specify the model and template: python class YourListView(ListView): model = YourModel template_name = 'your_template.html'

  3. (Optional) Customize the queryset: python def get_queryset(self): return YourModel.objects.filter(your_filtering_criteria)

  4. Connect the URL to the view: python path('your-url/', YourListView.as_view(), name='your-list-view'),

  5. Create the template: ```html

    {% for object in object_list %}
  • {{ object.some_field }}
  • {% endfor %}


  1. Access the view in the browser:

These steps will allow you to use the ListView to display a list of objects from your model in a template.