django import excel file from same directory

To import an Excel file in Django from the same directory, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, make sure you have the Django framework installed in your project. You can do this by running the command pip install django in your command prompt or terminal.

  2. Next, create a new Django app within your project by running the command python startapp app_name. Replace app_name with the desired name for your app.

  3. In your Django app directory, create a new folder named utils. This folder will contain the utility functions for importing the Excel file.

  4. Inside the utils folder, create a Python module named This module will contain the code for importing the Excel file.

  5. Open the module and import the necessary libraries. You will need to import pandas and xlrd libraries. The pandas library provides data manipulation and analysis tools, while xlrd is used for reading Excel files.

import pandas as pd
import xlrd
  1. Create a function in the module to import the Excel file. You can name the function import_excel or choose a name that suits your project.
def import_excel(file_name):
    df = pd.read_excel(file_name)
    # Perform operations or data manipulation on the dataframe as needed
    return df
  1. In your Django app directory, open the module. This module contains the views or endpoints for your app.

  2. Import the excel_utils module in the module.

from .utils import excel_utils
  1. Create a view function in the module. This function will handle the request to import the Excel file.
def import_file(request):
    file_name = 'example.xlsx'  # Replace with the actual file name
    df = excel_utils.import_excel(file_name)
    # Perform further operations or return the imported data as needed
    return HttpResponse("File imported successfully")
  1. Finally, map the import_file view function to a URL in the module of your Django app.
from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('import/', views.import_file, name='import_file'),

That's it! Now you can access the import functionality by visiting the URL /import/ in your Django app. Remember to replace 'example.xlsx' with the actual file name you want to import.