django gunicorn static file not found

To resolve the issue of Django Gunicorn not finding static files, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check static file configuration: Make sure that the static file configuration in your Django project is correct. Static files are typically stored in a folder called "static" within each app. Check that you have defined the STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT settings correctly in your project's file. The STATIC_URL should be set to the URL prefix for static files, while STATIC_ROOT should be set to the absolute path to the directory where static files will be collected.

  2. Collect static files: Run the collectstatic management command to gather all static files from your apps into a single location. This command should be run whenever you make changes to your static files or when deploying your project to a production environment. For example, you can run python collectstatic in your project's root directory.

  3. Check static file serving: Ensure that Gunicorn is configured to serve static files. By default, Gunicorn does not handle static files, so you'll need to configure it to do so. One way to achieve this is by using a separate web server, such as Nginx or Apache, to serve static files while Gunicorn handles the dynamic content. You can configure the web server to redirect requests for static files to Gunicorn. Alternatively, you can use the --static option when starting Gunicorn to serve static files directly. For example, you can run gunicorn myproject.wsgi --static /path/to/static/files to serve static files using Gunicorn.

  4. Check file permissions: Ensure that the static files and directories have the correct permissions set. Make sure that the user running Gunicorn has read permissions to the static files and execute permissions for the directories. You can use the ls -l command to view the permissions of the files and directories.

  5. Verify static file URLs: Double-check that the URLs for your static files are correct. In your templates, make sure you are using the {% static %} template tag to generate URLs for static files. For example, <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}">. Also, make sure that the static file URLs in your HTML code match the STATIC_URL setting in your Django project's file.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of Django Gunicorn not finding static files. Let me know if you need further assistance!