django gmail smtp

To use Django's Gmail SMTP for sending emails, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules:
  2. Import the send_mail function from django.core.mail.
  3. Import the settings module from django.conf.

  4. Configure the email settings:

  5. Set the EMAIL_BACKEND setting in the file to 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'.
  6. Set the EMAIL_HOST setting to ''.
  7. Set the EMAIL_PORT setting to 587.
  8. Set the EMAIL_HOST_USER setting to your Gmail email address.
  9. Set the EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD setting to your Gmail password.
  10. Set the EMAIL_USE_TLS setting to True.

  11. Use the send_mail function to send an email:

  12. Pass the subject of the email as the first argument.
  13. Pass the body of the email as the second argument.
  14. Pass the sender's email address as the third argument.
  15. Pass a list of recipient email addresses as the fourth argument.
  16. Optionally, pass a list of email addresses to receive a copy of the email as the fail_silently parameter.

  17. Handle any exceptions that may occur during the email sending process.