django get without exception

from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from myapp.models import MyModel

def my_view(request, my_model_id):
    my_model = get_object_or_404(MyModel, pk=my_model_id)
    # Perform operations with my_model
  1. Import the get_object_or_404 function from django.shortcuts.
  2. Import the MyModel model from myapp.models.
  3. Define a view function my_view that takes request and my_model_id as parameters.
  4. Use get_object_or_404 to retrieve an instance of MyModel with the primary key (pk) equal to my_model_id. If no object is found, it raises a Http404 exception.
  5. Perform operations using the retrieved my_model instance within the view function. ```