django flush

The django-admin flush command is used to remove all data from the database associated with the installed Django application. It essentially deletes all data from the database tables while keeping the tables intact.

Explanation for each step:

  1. django-admin: This is a Django management command-line utility.
  2. flush: This is a specific command provided by Django management, used to clear data from the database.
  3. Removing Data: When the flush command is executed, Django sends SQL queries to the database to delete all data from the tables, maintaining the table structures.
  4. Cascading Deletion: Depending on the database configuration and model relationships, the deletion process might trigger cascading deletions, removing related data as well.
  5. Resetting Primary Keys: After deletion, the primary key sequences are reset, so the next inserted data will start from the initial value.

Keep in mind: - This command is potent and should be used with caution as it wipes out all data. - It's mostly used in development environments or situations where you need to reset the database completely. - It doesn't affect the structure of the database, only the data within it.