django domain name

To set up a domain name for a Django application, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a domain name: Search for a domain registrar that suits your needs and purchase a domain name. Make sure to choose a domain name that is relevant to your Django application.

  2. Configure DNS settings: Log in to your domain registrar's website and navigate to the DNS settings for your domain. Here, you will need to create DNS records to point your domain to your Django application's server.

  3. Obtain the IP address of your server: Contact your hosting provider or server administrator to obtain the IP address of your server where your Django application is hosted. This IP address will be used in the DNS settings.

  4. Create an A record: In the DNS settings, create an A record that associates your domain name with the IP address of your server. This record tells the DNS server which IP address to direct traffic to when users access your domain.

  5. Add a CNAME record: If you want to use a subdomain for your Django application, you can create a CNAME record. This record allows you to associate a subdomain like "" with your main domain. Set the CNAME target to your domain name.

  6. Set up Django: In your Django application's settings file, update the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable to include your domain name. This allows Django to accept requests coming from your domain.

  7. Configure web server: Depending on your web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx), you need to configure it to handle requests for your domain name. This typically involves creating a virtual host configuration file and specifying the domain name and the location of your Django application.

  8. Test the domain: After completing the above steps, test your domain name by accessing it in a web browser. If everything is set up correctly, you should see your Django application running.

Remember to consult the documentation and resources provided by your domain registrar and web hosting provider for detailed instructions specific to their services.