django form datepicker

To add a datepicker to a Django form, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary packages: Make sure the 'django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus' package is installed in your Django project. You can do this by running the command 'pip install django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus' in your terminal.

  2. Import the required modules: In your Django form file, import the necessary modules. These modules include 'forms' from django, and 'DatePickerInput' from 'bootstrap_datepicker_plus.fields'.

  3. Define your form class: Create a class that inherits from 'forms.ModelForm' or 'forms.Form', depending on your requirement. In this class, define the fields and their attributes as per your needs.

  4. Specify the date field: Declare a field in your form class for the datepicker. Set the 'widget' attribute of this field to 'DatePickerInput()'. This will render the date field as a datepicker in the HTML form.

  5. Customize datepicker options: If you want to customize the datepicker, you can pass additional options to the 'DatePickerInput()' widget. These options include 'format', 'todayBtn', 'todayHighlight', 'autoclose', etc. You can refer to the documentation of 'django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus' for more details on available options.

  6. Integrate the form in your view: In your view function or class, create an instance of your form class and pass it to the template context. Render the form in your template using the 'form' variable.

  7. Include required static files: In your HTML template, include the necessary static files for the datepicker to work properly. Add the following lines of code at the top of your template:

{% load bootstrap4 %} {% bootstrap_css %} {% bootstrap_javascript jquery='full' %} {% bootstrap_messages %}

  1. Render the date field: To render the date field as a datepicker in your template, use the following code:

{{ form.date_field_name }}

Replace 'date_field_name' with the actual name of your date field.

That's it! Now you should have a datepicker integrated into your Django form. Make sure to test your form to ensure everything is working as expected.