django create object with default today date

To create a Django object with the default today's date, you can follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary modules: In your Django model file, start by importing the required modules. These typically include the following:

python from django.db import models from datetime import date

  1. Define your model: Create a Django model class that represents the object you want to create. Within this class, define the fields you need, including the field for the date. For example:

python class YourModel(models.Model): date_field = models.DateField( # other fields...

In the above code, the date_field is the field where you want to store the date. It is defined as a DateField with a default value of

By setting the default value to, Django will automatically assign the current date as the default value whenever a new object is created.

  1. Run migrations: After defining your model, you need to apply the changes to your database. Run the following command in your terminal:

python makemigrations python migrate

This will create the necessary database tables and columns based on your model definition.

  1. Create objects: With the above steps completed, you can now create objects with the default today's date. For example:

python obj = YourModel()

The YourModel() constructor creates a new instance of the model, and saves it to the database. Since the date_field has a default value of, it will be automatically set to the current date.

That's it! You have successfully created a Django object with the default today's date.