django creat app return _bootstrap._gcd_import

  1. The command django-admin startproject <projectname> is used to create a new Django project.

  2. After creating the project, navigate to the project directory using the cd <projectname> command.

  3. Use the python startapp <appname> command to create a new Django app within the project.

  4. The startapp command generates a directory structure for the new app, including necessary files such as,,, and others.

  5. Open the file within the project directory and add the newly created app to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

  6. Define models, views, and other components within the created app to implement the desired functionality.

  7. Run python makemigrations to create database migration files based on the models defined in the app.

  8. Execute python migrate to apply the database migrations and create the corresponding database tables.

  9. Develop the necessary views and templates for the app based on the project requirements.

  10. Configure the app's URLs by defining patterns in the file within the app directory.

  11. Integrate the app's URLs into the project's main file, usually by using the include() function.

  12. Implement any necessary static files, media files, and templates within the app directory.

  13. Run the development server using the command python runserver to test the functionality of the Django app.

Note: Ensure that the steps are executed in the correct order and that the necessary configurations are made in the respective files.