django command to fetch all columns of a table

from django.apps import apps

def get_all_model_fields(app_label, model_name):
    model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name)
    return model._meta.get_fields()


  1. from django.apps import apps: This line imports the apps module from Django, which provides tools for working with applications and models in a Django project.

  2. def get_all_model_fields(app_label, model_name): : This line defines a function named get_all_model_fields that takes two parameters: app_label (the label of the Django app containing the model) and model_name (the name of the model whose fields you want to fetch).

  3. model = apps.get_model(app_label, model_name): This line uses the get_model function from the apps module to retrieve the specified model based on the provided app_label and model_name.

  4. return model._meta.get_fields(): This line accesses the _meta attribute of the model, which contains metadata about the model, including information about its fields. The get_fields() method retrieves all the fields (columns) of the model and returns them as a list.

This code, when provided with the appropriate app label and model name, will return a list of all the columns (fields) in the specified Django model.