django collectstatic with auto yes

The "collectstatic" management command in Django is used to collect all static files from individual applications into a single location that can be served in production. When using the "collectstatic" command with the "--noinput" option set to "no", it prompts the user for confirmation before overwriting existing files.

To automatically answer "yes" to the prompts and avoid any interruption in automation, you can use the "--noinput" option set to "yes." When this option is set, Django will not prompt for confirmation during the collection process, and will proceed automatically.

Here's how you can use the command with the auto yes option:

python collectstatic --noinput

In this command: - "python" invokes the Django management script to execute commands. - "collectstatic" is the specific command used to collect static files. - "--noinput" is the option that bypasses the interactive confirmation prompts.

Executing this command will automatically collect the static files without user input.