django background_task

Django is a popular web framework written in Python. It provides a convenient way to develop web applications by following the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

One of the libraries commonly used with Django is django-background-task. This library allows you to easily run tasks in the background, without blocking the main execution flow of your application.

Here are the steps to use django-background-task:

  1. Install the library: Begin by installing django-background-task using pip, the package manager for Python. You can do this by running the command pip install django-background-task.

  2. Add the library to your Django project: Open your Django project's settings file ( and add 'background_task' to the INSTALLED_APPS list.

  3. Define a task: Create a function that represents the task you want to run in the background. This function should be decorated with @background_task. For example:

from background_task import background

def my_background_task():
    # Code for your background task

In this example, the my_background_task function will be scheduled to run every 5 seconds.

  1. Schedule the task: To schedule the task to run, you can use the Django admin interface or call the schedule method of the Task model. For example:
from background_task.models import Task

def schedule_task():
    task = Task.objects.create(

In this example, the schedule_task function schedules the my_background_task to run every 5 minutes.

  1. Run the background task: To start running the background tasks, you need to run the following command in your terminal: python process_tasks. This command starts a worker process that will execute the scheduled tasks.

That's it! Now your Django application is set up to run background tasks using django-background-task. The library takes care of handling the scheduling and execution of the tasks, allowing your main application to continue running smoothly without being blocked by long-running operations.

Note: Make sure to check the django-background-task documentation for more advanced usage and configuration options.