django admin make column link

To make a column in Django admin clickable as a link, you can follow these steps:

  1. Define a method in your model admin class that returns the HTML for the link. This method should take an instance of the model as an argument and return a string containing the HTML code for the link.

  2. In the list_display attribute of your model admin class, include the name of the method you just defined. This tells Django admin to display the result of that method as a column in the admin interface.

  3. In the list_display attribute, you can also provide a string that represents the name of the column. This string will be used as the column header in the admin interface.

  4. Optionally, you can define a short_description attribute for the method you created in step 1. This attribute should be a string that represents the desired column header in the admin interface. If you don't provide a short_description attribute, Django will use the name of the method as the column header.

Here's an example:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.html import format_html

from .models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    def link_column(self, instance):
        # This method returns the HTML code for the link
        return format_html('<a href="{}">{}</a>', instance.get_absolute_url(),

    link_column.short_description = 'Name'  # Optional: set the column header

    list_display = ('link_column', 'other_column', 'another_column'), MyModelAdmin)

In the example above, the link_column method returns an HTML link by using the format_html function provided by Django. It uses the get_absolute_url method of the model instance to generate the URL for the link. The list_display attribute includes 'link_column' to display the link column in the admin interface, along with other columns ('other_column' and 'another_column'). The optional short_description attribute is set to 'Name', which will be used as the column header for the link column in the admin interface.