django active link

  1. Start by importing the django.shortcuts module and the django.http module.

  2. Create a function to handle the request. This function should take in two parameters: request and pk (which stands for the primary key).

  3. Inside the function, check if the pk parameter is equal to the current primary key. You can do this by comparing it with the request.GET.get() method, which retrieves the value of the pk parameter from the URL.

  4. If the pk matches the current primary key, return an active link by using the django.http.HttpResponseRedirect class. Pass the URL you want the link to redirect to as an argument.

  5. In your Django template, use the django.urls.reverse function to generate the URL for the active link. Pass the primary key as an argument to this function.

  6. Finally, in your template, use the Django template language to display the active link. You can use the a HTML tag and set the href attribute to the URL generated in the previous step.