django 3 create async rest api

To create an asynchronous REST API using Django 3, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Django 3: Start by installing Django 3 on your machine. You can use pip, the package installer for Python, to install Django 3 by running the command pip install Django==3.0.

  2. Create a Django project: Use the Django command-line tool to create a new Django project. Open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the desired directory, and run the command django-admin startproject project_name. This will create a new Django project with the given name.

  3. Create a Django app: Inside your Django project, you need to create a new Django app. Navigate to the project directory and run the command python startapp app_name. Replace "app_name" with the name you want to give to your Django app.

  4. Configure the Django project: Open the file in your Django project and add the newly created app to the INSTALLED_APPS list. This will ensure that Django recognizes and includes your app in the project.

  5. Define your models: In your Django app, define the models that represent the data you want to expose through your REST API. Use Django's built-in model fields to define the structure of your data.

  6. Create serializers: Django REST Framework provides serializers to convert complex data types, such as Django models, into JSON, XML, or other formats that can be easily rendered into HTTP responses. Create serializers for your models to define how the data should be serialized and deserialized.

  7. Define API views: Create views that define how your API will respond to different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). Use Django's class-based views or function-based views to handle these requests.

  8. Configure URLs: In your Django app, create a file to define the URL patterns for your API endpoints. Map these patterns to your API views so that Django knows which view to invoke for each endpoint.

  9. Test your API: Start the Django development server by running the command python runserver. Use tools like Postman or cURL to send HTTP requests to your API endpoints and verify that the responses are as expected.

  10. Add asynchronous support: Django 3 introduced support for asynchronous views using Python's async and await keywords. To make your views asynchronous, modify the view functions or classes to use the async keyword and replace blocking I/O operations with non-blocking counterparts.

  11. Configure ASGI server: Asynchronous views require an ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) server to run. Configure your Django project to use an ASGI server like Daphne or Uvicorn by modifying the project's file.

  12. Run your asynchronous REST API: Start your ASGI server by running the appropriate command for the server you chose. For example, if you're using Daphne, run the command daphne project_name.asgi:application.

By following these steps, you can create an asynchronous REST API using Django 3.