disable csrf for one url django

To disable CSRF protection for a specific URL in Django, follow these steps:

  1. Import csrf_exempt from django.views.decorators.csrf.

python from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt

  1. Apply the csrf_exempt decorator to the view function that corresponds to the URL for which you want to disable CSRF protection.

```python from django.http import HttpResponse

@csrf_exempt def your_view(request): # Your view logic here return HttpResponse("Response") ```

  1. Update your URL configuration in urls.py to link the view function with the desired URL.

```python from django.urls import path from . import views

urlpatterns = [ path('your-url/', views.your_view, name='your-view-name'), # Other URL patterns ] ```

By using csrf_exempt, you can exclude CSRF protection for the specific view function associated with the provided URL.