created by and updated by in django

  1. Creating a Django Project:
  2. Use the command: django-admin startproject projectname
  3. Explanation: Initiates a new Django project named "projectname."

  4. Creating a Django App:

  5. Use the command: python startapp appname
  6. Explanation: Generates a new Django app within the project named "appname."

  7. Defining Models:

  8. In the app's file, define data models using Django's model classes.
  9. Explanation: Describes the structure of the database tables and the relationships between them.

  10. Activating Models:

  11. Register the app in the project's file under the INSTALLED_APPS setting.
  12. Explanation: Enables the Django project to recognize and use the models defined in the app.

  13. Creating Database Tables:

  14. Run the command: python makemigrations followed by python migrate
  15. Explanation: Generates SQL commands to create the database tables based on the defined models and applies them to the database.

  16. Creating Views:

  17. Define views in the app's file using Django's view functions.
  18. Explanation: Handles HTTP requests and returns HTTP responses, defining the logic for rendering web pages.

  19. Mapping URLs to Views:

  20. Configure URL patterns in the app's file to map to the defined views.
  21. Explanation: Directs incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate view functions based on the URL.

  22. Creating Templates:

  23. Create HTML templates within the app's templates directory for rendering dynamic content.
  24. Explanation: Separates the presentation layer from the business logic, allowing for dynamic content rendering.

  25. Configuring Static Files:

  26. Set up static files (CSS, JavaScript, images) in the app's static directory.
  27. Explanation: Handles the delivery of static assets to the client browser for styling and scripting.

  28. Handling Forms:

    • Define forms in the app's file to handle user input.
    • Explanation: Manages user-submitted data and validation.
  29. Writing Business Logic:

    • Implement business logic in views and other modules to handle application-specific functionality.
    • Explanation: Defines the core operations and processes of the application.
  30. User Authentication:

    • Integrate Django's built-in authentication system or custom authentication logic.
    • Explanation: Manages user authentication and authorization.
  31. Testing:

    • Write tests for the app using Django's testing framework.
    • Explanation: Ensures the reliability and functionality of the application through automated testing.
  32. Deployment:

    • Deploy the Django project to a web server or cloud platform.
    • Explanation: Makes the application accessible to users on the internet.
  33. Version Control:

    • Use version control systems like Git to manage code changes.
    • Explanation: Facilitates collaboration and tracks changes to the codebase over time.