Auto-created primary key used when not defining a primary key type, by default 'django.db.models.AutoField'.

Explanation of Django AutoField Primary Key

  1. AutoField in Django:
  2. AutoField is a type of field in Django that automatically increments according to available IDs.
  3. It is typically used to store the primary key for a model.

  4. Default Usage:

  5. When a model is created without explicitly defining a primary key type, Django uses AutoField as the default primary key type.
  6. This means that if no other primary key type is specified, an AutoField will be used to automatically create and manage the primary key.

  7. Behavior:

  8. AutoField automatically assigns a unique, incremented value to each new instance of the model.
  9. It ensures that each record in the database table has a distinct primary key value.

  10. Implementation:

  11. When defining a model in Django, if no primary key type is specified, the AutoField is implicitly used to create an auto-incrementing primary key for the model.

  12. Customization:

  13. While AutoField is the default, it is possible to explicitly define a different primary key type if needed, such as using a different field type like BigAutoField or UUIDField.

  14. Example:

  15. If a model is defined without explicitly setting a primary key, Django will automatically use AutoField to create and manage the primary key as follows: ```python from django.db import models

    class YourModel(models.Model): # No explicit primary key definition your_field = models.CharField(max_length=100) # AutoField will be used as the default primary key type ```