allowed_hosts error ecs django

  1. Update the Django file to include the correct value for the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['your_ecs_instance_ip', 'your_ecs_instance_dns']
  1. Ensure that the ECS instance IP or DNS is correctly added to the ALLOWED_HOSTS list.

  2. Restart the Django application on the ECS instance.

sudo systemctl restart gunicorn
  1. Confirm that the ECS security group allows incoming traffic on the specified port (default is 80) from the necessary sources.

  2. Check the ECS instance logs for any errors related to the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration.

sudo cat /var/log/ecs/django-error.log
  1. Verify that the ECS load balancer, if used, is correctly configured to forward traffic to the Django application.

  2. Double-check the ECS instance's networking configuration to ensure it is reachable from the expected sources.

  3. Confirm that there are no typos or syntax errors in the ALLOWED_HOSTS configuration.

  4. If using Docker, ensure that the Docker container exposes the correct port and that the ECS task definition is configured accordingly.

  5. If the issue persists, review the Django application's code for any additional custom settings or middleware that may impact the ALLOWED_HOSTS behavior.