Add error message in django loginrequiredmixin

To add an error message in Django's LoginRequiredMixin, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the file where you have defined the LoginRequiredMixin class. This is typically located in your Django project's or in a separate file.

  2. Inside the LoginRequiredMixin class, locate the handle_no_permission() method. This method is called when a user tries to access a view that requires authentication but is not logged in.

  3. In the handle_no_permission() method, you can add code to customize the error message. The method already has a raise statement that raises a PermissionDenied exception, so you can add your error message before or after that line.

  4. To add an error message, you can use the Django messages framework. Import the messages module from django.contrib at the top of your file, if it's not already imported.

  5. Once you have imported the messages module, you can use the messages.error() function to add an error message. The function takes two arguments: the request object and the error message itself. For example, messages.error(request, "You must be logged in to access this page.").

  6. After adding the error message, you can let the handle_no_permission() method continue with its original behavior by calling the super() method. This ensures that the PermissionDenied exception is still raised, preventing the user from accessing the view.

That's it! By following these steps, you can add a custom error message in Django's LoginRequiredMixin. Remember to save the file after making the changes, and make sure to handle the error message in your template or view where the LoginRequiredMixin is used.