django abstractuser

  1. Import the AbstractUser class from the django.contrib.auth.models module.
  2. Create a new class that inherits from AbstractUser. This class will serve as your custom user model.
  3. Define any additional fields you want to include in your custom user model. These fields will be added to the existing fields provided by AbstractUser.
  4. If you need to change the behavior of any of the existing fields or add custom methods to your custom user model, you can override the corresponding methods or fields in your class definition.
  5. If you need to make any changes to the default behavior of the authentication system, you can override the appropriate methods in your custom user model.
  6. In your Django project's file, specify the AUTH_USER_MODEL setting to point to your custom user model. This will ensure that Django uses your custom user model instead of the default User model provided by Django.
  7. Run the migrations to create the necessary database tables for your custom user model.
  8. Update any code that references the default User model to use your custom user model instead.
  9. Test your custom user model to ensure that it behaves as expected.
  10. Build your application, keeping in mind that any references to the default User model should be updated to use your custom user model.

Note: These steps assume that you have a basic understanding of Django and its authentication system. If you need more detailed explanations or examples, please let me know.