"%(class)s" in django

%(class)s in Django is a placeholder used within strings for string formatting. It's part of the Python string formatting syntax. The % symbol followed by (class)s is a template for inserting the string representation of a class into a larger string.

For instance, if you have a string like "This is a %(class)s example" and you want to replace %(class)s with the name of a class, you can use the % operator with a dictionary or tuple containing the class name.

Here's an example:

class_name = "DjangoClass"
formatted_string = "This is a %(class)s example" % {'class': class_name}

The output will be: This is a DjangoClass example.

So, % followed by (class)s acts as a placeholder in a string that can be replaced by the string representation of a class using string formatting in Python.