delphi keypress ctrl+v

In Delphi, you can detect when the user presses the Ctrl+V key combination by handling the OnKeyPress event of a component, such as a TEdit or TMemo control. Here is an example of how you can do this:

procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
  if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) and $8000 <> 0) and (Key = #22) then
    // Ctrl+V was pressed
    // Add your code here to handle the Ctrl+V key combination

In this example, the Edit1KeyPress procedure is the event handler for the OnKeyPress event of an TEdit control named Edit1. Inside the event handler, we check if the Ctrl key is being pressed (by using the GetKeyState function) and if the pressed key is #22, which corresponds to the Ctrl+V combination. If both conditions are met, you can add your code to handle the Ctrl+V key combination inside the provided begin and end blocks.

Remember to assign this event handler to the OnKeyPress event of your component in order for it to be triggered when the user presses keys.