binary to int c++ bitset

To convert a binary number to an integer in C++ using the bitset library, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: Begin by including the <bitset> header file in your C++ program. This header file provides the bitset class, which allows you to work with binary representations.

  2. Declare and initialize a bitset object: Declare a bitset object and initialize it with the binary number you want to convert. The constructor of the bitset class takes a string representation of the binary number.

cpp std::bitset<32> binaryNumber("101010");

In this example, a bitset object named binaryNumber is declared and initialized with the binary number "101010". The number within the angle brackets (<32>) specifies the number of bits in the bitset object. You can change this value according to your requirements.

  1. Convert the bitset to an integer: To convert the bitset object to an integer, you can use the to_ulong() or to_ullong() member functions. The to_ulong() function converts the bitset to an unsigned long integer, while the to_ullong() function converts it to an unsigned long long integer.

cpp unsigned long integerValue = binaryNumber.to_ulong();

In this example, the to_ulong() function is used to convert the binaryNumberbitset object to an unsigned long integer named integerValue.

  1. Print the resulting integer: Finally, you can print the resulting integer value.

cpp std::cout << integerValue << std::endl;

This line of code uses the std::cout object to output the value of integerValue to the console.

Putting it all together, the complete code snippet to convert a binary number to an integer using bitset in C++ looks like this:

#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::bitset<32> binaryNumber("101010");
    unsigned long integerValue = binaryNumber.to_ulong();
    std::cout << integerValue << std::endl;
    return 0;

This code will output the decimal value of the binary number "101010", which is 42.