c++ void poiinter

To create a void pointer in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Declare a void pointer variable: Begin by declaring a variable of type void pointer. This can be done by using the keyword "void" followed by an asterisk () and a variable name. For example: void ptr;

  2. Assign a value to the void pointer: You can assign a value to the void pointer by using the address of an existing variable. This can be done using the address-of operator (&). For example: int num = 10; ptr = #

  3. Accessing the value of the void pointer: Since void pointers don't have a specific type associated with them, you cannot directly access the value they point to. However, you can cast the void pointer to a specific type before accessing the value. This can be done using the type-casting operator. For example: int intPtr = static_cast<int>(ptr); int value = *intPtr;

  4. Deallocating memory: If you dynamically allocated memory using the void pointer, make sure to deallocate it using the appropriate deallocation function, such as "delete" for objects created using "new" or "delete[]" for arrays created using "new[]".

Remember, void pointers are commonly used when you need to store or pass around different types of pointers without specifying the exact type at compile time. However, they require careful handling and explicit type-casting to use them effectively.