play sound opencv video c++

To play sound in an OpenCV video using C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary libraries:
  2. #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>: This includes the OpenCV library, which provides various functions for image and video processing.
  3. #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>: This includes the HighGUI module of OpenCV, which is used for GUI-related functions, such as displaying images and videos.

  4. Create a VideoCapture object:

  5. cv::VideoCapture cap("video_file_path"): This creates a VideoCapture object named cap, which is used to capture frames from a video file. You need to provide the path to the video file as a parameter.

  6. Check if the video file opened successfully:

  7. if (!cap.isOpened()): This condition checks if the video file failed to open. If it returns true, it means the file couldn't be opened, and you should handle the error accordingly.

  8. Create a named window to display the video:

  9. cv::namedWindow("Video", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL): This creates a window with the name "Video" using the namedWindow function. The WINDOW_NORMAL flag allows resizing the window.

  10. Play the video and extract frames:

  11. cv::Mat frame: This creates a Mat object named frame, which is used to store each frame of the video.
  12. while ( This while loop reads each frame from the video using the read function of the VideoCapture object. It continues until there are no more frames left in the video.
  13. cv::imshow("Video", frame): This displays the current frame in the "Video" window using the imshow function.
  14. cv::waitKey(25): This function waits for a key press for 25 milliseconds before moving on to the next frame. It allows for smooth video playback.

  15. Release the VideoCapture object and destroy the window:

  16. cap.release(): This releases the VideoCapture object and frees up any resources it was using.
  17. cv::destroyWindow("Video"): This destroys the "Video" window created earlier.

That's it! Following these steps will allow you to play a video with sound using OpenCV in C++.