const char * to std::wstring

To convert a const char * to std::wstring in C++, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Include the necessary header files:
#include <string>
  1. Create a function to perform the conversion:
std::wstring ConvertToWString(const char* input) {
  // Conversion code goes here
  1. Determine the length of the input string:
size_t length = strlen(input);
  1. Allocate memory for the std::wstring object:
std::wstring output(length, L'\0');
  1. Use the mbstowcs function to convert the input string to wide characters:
mbstowcs(&output[0], input, length);
  1. Return the resulting std::wstring object:
return output;

Here's the complete code snippet:

#include <string>

std::wstring ConvertToWString(const char* input) {
  size_t length = strlen(input);
  std::wstring output(length, L'\0');
  mbstowcs(&output[0], input, length);
  return output;

This code snippet converts a const char * input string to a std::wstring output string using the mbstowcs function. The mbstowcs function converts a multibyte character sequence to a wide character sequence, which is what std::wstring uses.