npm wasm

  1. Create a new C++ project using a build system like CMake.

  2. Write the C++ code that you want to compile to WebAssembly (Wasm). Ensure that the code adheres to the subset of C++ that is compatible with Emscripten, a toolchain for compiling C and C++ code to Wasm.

  3. Install Emscripten by following the installation instructions provided on the official Emscripten website.

  4. Open a terminal and navigate to the root directory of your C++ project.

  5. Use Emscripten to compile the C++ code to Wasm. The command typically includes specifying the input C++ file, output Wasm file, and other relevant options.

  6. After successful compilation, you will obtain a Wasm file, along with auxiliary files like JavaScript and HTML files.

  7. Set up a simple web server to serve the generated files. This can be done using tools like emrun provided by Emscripten or any other web server of your choice.

  8. Launch the web server and open the specified URL in a web browser to see your C++ code running in a Wasm environment.

  9. Optionally, you can interact with the Wasm module from JavaScript by importing and using the exported functions or classes.

  10. To distribute the Wasm module, deploy the generated files to a web server or integrate them into your web application.

Note: Ensure that your C++ code is compatible with the limitations and features of the Wasm environment, and handle any necessary adjustments or considerations during the compilation process.