c++ nagetive to positive numbers

To convert a negative number to a positive number in C++, you can use the unary plus operator. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Declare a variable of the desired data type. For example, let's say we want to convert a negative integer to a positive integer, so we declare an int variable.

  2. Assign the negative value to the variable. For instance, if you have a variable named "num" and you want to convert -5 to a positive number, you would assign -5 to "num".

  3. Use the unary plus operator (+) followed by the variable name to convert the negative value to a positive value. For example, to convert "num" to a positive number, you would write "+num".

  4. If needed, assign the result back to the original variable or to a new variable. This step is optional, depending on whether you want to keep the original negative value or replace it with the positive value.

That's it! By using the unary plus operator, you can convert a negative number to a positive number in C++.