c++ execute thread and forget

To execute a thread in C++, you can use the std::thread class from the C++ Standard Library. Here are the steps to execute a thread:

  1. Include the necessary header files:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

The iostream header file is needed for input/output operations, and the thread header file is needed for creating and managing threads.

  1. Define a function that will be executed by the thread:
void myThreadFunction()
    // Code to be executed by the thread

This function will contain the code that you want the thread to execute. It can take arguments and return a value if needed.

  1. Create a std::thread object and pass the function as a parameter:
std::thread myThread(myThreadFunction);

This line creates a std::thread object named myThread and passes the myThreadFunction as a parameter to the constructor. This initializes the thread object with the function that will be executed.

  1. Detach the thread (optional):

If you want the thread to execute independently and not wait for it to finish, you can detach it using the detach() function. This allows the thread to continue running even after the main program has finished.

  1. Join the thread (optional):

If you want the main program to wait for the thread to finish executing before continuing, you can join the thread using the join() function. This blocks the main program until the thread has finished executing.

That's it! You have successfully executed a thread in C++ using the std::thread class. Remember to handle any synchronization issues that may arise when multiple threads access shared resources.