vector keyword in c++

Explanation of the "vector" Keyword in C++

In C++, the "vector" is a standard library template class that is part of the Standard Template Library (STL). It is a dynamic array that can resize itself automatically when an element is inserted or deleted. Here's a breakdown of the "vector" keyword in C++:

Definition and Declaration: - The "vector" class is defined in the <vector> header file and is declared using the following syntax: cpp std::vector<DataType> vectorName; where "DataType" is the type of elements the vector will hold, and "vectorName" is the name of the vector.

Dynamic Resizing: - One of the key features of the "vector" class is its ability to dynamically resize itself as elements are added or removed. This means that the size of the vector can grow or shrink as needed, unlike traditional arrays in C++.

Accessing Elements: - Elements in a "vector" can be accessed using the array subscript operator ([]) or the at() member function. For example: cpp std::vector<int> numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; int thirdElement = numbers[2]; // Accessing the third element (index 2)

Adding and Removing Elements: - Elements can be added to the end of the vector using the push_back() member function, and removed from the end using the pop_back() member function.

Iterating Through the Vector: - The elements of a "vector" can be iterated through using iterators or range-based for loops.

Advantages and Use Cases: - The "vector" class provides a safer and more flexible alternative to traditional arrays in C++. It is commonly used when the number of elements is not known beforehand or when dynamic resizing is required.

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