no argument but return value in c++

To define a function in C++ that takes no arguments but returns a value, you can follow these steps:

  1. Function declaration: Declare the function prototype before its first use. The declaration includes the return type, function name, and any necessary parameters. In this case, since there are no arguments, the parameter list will be empty.

cpp returnType functionName();

  1. Function definition: Define the function by providing its implementation. This is where you write the actual code that will be executed when the function is called. The function definition includes the return type, function name, and any necessary parameters. In this case, since there are no arguments, the parameter list will be empty.

cpp returnType functionName() { // Code to be executed }

  1. Return statement: Inside the function definition, use the return keyword followed by the value you want to return. The return type should match the declared return type of the function.

cpp returnType functionName() { // Code to be executed return value; }

Replace returnType with the actual data type of the return value you want to provide. Replace functionName with the desired name of your function. Replace value with the actual value that you want to return.

  1. Calling the function: To use the function in your code, you can simply call it by its name followed by parentheses. If you want to store the returned value, you can assign it to a variable of the appropriate data type.

cpp returnType result = functionName();

Replace returnType with the actual data type of the return value. Replace functionName with the name of your function. Replace result with the name of the variable where you want to store the returned value.

That's it! You have now defined a function in C++ that takes no arguments but returns a value.