wgat is duble in c++

In C++, the keyword "double" is used to declare a variable with a double precision floating-point type. It is one of the fundamental data types provided by the C++ language.


The syntax to declare a variable of type "double" is as follows:

double variableName;

Here, "variableName" is the name you choose for your variable. It can be any valid identifier that follows the rules of variable naming in C++.


  1. double: "double" is a keyword in C++ used to represent a double precision floating-point number. It is capable of storing larger decimal values with higher precision than the "float" data type.

  2. variableName: This is the name you choose for your variable. It should be a valid identifier and follow the rules of variable naming in C++. The variable name is used to refer to the memory location where the value of the "double" variable is stored.


Here is an example of declaring and initializing a "double" variable in C++:

double pi = 3.14159;

In this example, we declare a variable named "pi" of type "double" and initialize it with the value 3.14159. The "double" data type allows us to store decimal numbers with double precision.

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