servicenow cart api

  1. Include Necessary Headers:cpp #include <iostream> #include <cpprest/http_client.h>

  2. Define Namespace:cpp using namespace web; using namespace web::http; using namespace web::http::client;

  3. Declare Function for API Request:cpp pplx::task<void> MakeRequest();

  4. Main Function:cpp int main() { MakeRequest().wait(); return 0; }

  5. Implementation of API Request Function: ```cpp pplx::task MakeRequest() { // Instantiate HTTP Client http_client client(U(""));

    // Create Request URI uri_builder builder(U("/api/now/table/"));

    // Add Required Headers http_request request(methods::GET); request.headers().set_content_type(U("application/json")); request.headers().set_basic_authentication(U(""), U(""));

    // Set Request URI request.set_request_uri(builder.to_uri());

    // Make Request and Print Response return client.request(request).then( { if (response.status_code() == status_codes::OK) { return response.extract_json(); } else { return pplx::task_from_result(json::value()); } }).then( { // Process JSON Response as Needed std::wcout << jsonValue.serialize() << std::endl; }); } ```

  6. Replace Placeholder Values:

  7. <INSTANCE_NAME>: Replace with your ServiceNow instance name.
  8. <TABLE_NAME>: Replace with the name of the ServiceNow table you want to interact with.
  9. <USERNAME> and <PASSWORD>: Replace with your ServiceNow API credentials.

  10. Build and Run:

  11. Ensure to link against the cpprestsdk library.
  12. Build the project and execute the binary.

Note: This example assumes the use of the C++ REST SDK (cpprestsdk) for HTTP communication. Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed and the appropriate configurations set up in your development environment.