C++ Dynamic allocation failing

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Explanation of Dynamic Allocation in C++

Dynamic allocation in C++ allows you to allocate memory for variables at runtime, rather than at compile time. This is useful when you don't know the size of the data you need to store until your program is running.

To dynamically allocate memory in C++, you can use the new operator. The new operator returns a pointer to the dynamically allocated memory.

Here are the steps involved in dynamic allocation in C++:

  1. Declare a pointer variable: Start by declaring a pointer variable of the appropriate type. This pointer will hold the address of the dynamically allocated memory.

cpp int* ptr;

  1. Allocate memory using the new operator: Use the new operator followed by the data type to allocate memory dynamically. Assign the address of the allocated memory to the pointer variable.

cpp ptr = new int;

In this example, we are allocating memory for an integer.

  1. Use the allocated memory: Now that you have allocated memory, you can use it to store data. Access the memory using the pointer variable.

cpp *ptr = 10;

This assigns the value 10 to the memory location pointed to by ptr.

  1. Deallocate the memory: When you are done using the dynamically allocated memory, it is important to deallocate it to avoid memory leaks. Use the delete operator to free the memory.

cpp delete ptr;

This frees the memory allocated for the integer.

  1. Reset the pointer variable: After deallocating the memory, it is good practice to reset the pointer variable to avoid using it accidentally.

cpp ptr = nullptr;

Setting the pointer to nullptr ensures that it no longer points to any valid memory address.

By following these steps, you can successfully allocate and deallocate memory dynamically in C++. Dynamic allocation is particularly useful when working with data structures that need to grow or shrink during program execution.