displaying m images one window opencv c++

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

int main() {
    std::vector<cv::Mat> images; // Create a vector to hold multiple images
    // Load multiple images into the vector
    // Create a window to display the images
    cv::namedWindow("Display", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);
    // Loop through the vector of images
    for (const auto& image : images) {
        // Display each image in the window
        cv::imshow("Display", image);
        // Wait for a key press or delay
    // Destroy the window
    return 0;

Explanation: - #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>: Includes the OpenCV library. - std::vector<cv::Mat> images;: Creates a vector to store multiple images using OpenCV's Mat data structure. - images.push_back(cv::imread("image1.jpg")); and images.push_back(cv::imread("image2.jpg"));: Reads two images ("image1.jpg" and "image2.jpg") and adds them to the images vector. - cv::namedWindow("Display", cv::WINDOW_NORMAL);: Creates a window named "Display" to show the images. cv::WINDOW_NORMAL specifies the window to be resizable. - for (const auto& image : images) { ... }: Loops through each image in the images vector. - cv::imshow("Display", image);: Displays each image in the "Display" window. - cv::waitKey(0);: Waits for a key press infinitely (0 as argument means waiting indefinitely). - cv::destroyWindow("Display");: Closes the window named "Display" after displaying all the images. - return 0;: Ends the program execution.