why wont a function stop C++

There could be various reasons why a function won't stop in C++. Some possible reasons and explanations for each step are:

  1. Infinite Loop: If the function contains a loop that lacks a termination condition or the condition is never met, the loop will continue indefinitely.
  2. Recursion Issue: In case of a recursive function, if the base case is not properly defined or if the function doesn't reach the base case, it will recurse infinitely.
  3. Blocking I/O Operations: If the function involves blocking I/O operations that wait indefinitely for input that never arrives, the function won't proceed beyond this point.
  4. Deadlock: If there are multiple threads and the function gets stuck due to a deadlock situation where each thread is waiting for a resource held by another thread, the function will not progress.
  5. Hardware Failure or Exception: Under certain circumstances like hardware failure or unhandled exceptions, the function might not stop as expected.