is there anything like vectorx[100]

vectorx[100] is not a valid syntax in C++. The correct syntax for creating a vector with 100 elements would be std::vector<int> vectorx(100);. Here's an explanation of each step:

  1. std::vector: std::vector is a container class in C++ that provides dynamic arrays. It allows you to store and manipulate a collection of elements.

  2. : <int> is a template argument that specifies the type of elements that the vector will hold. In this case, we are creating a vector that will hold integers (int).

  3. vectorx: vectorx is the name given to the vector object. You can choose any valid name for your vector.

  4. (100): The number in parentheses represents the initial size of the vector. In this case, we are creating a vector with 100 elements. Each element will be initialized with the default value for the specified type (in this case, int).

By using the above syntax, you are creating a vector named vectorx that can hold 100 int elements. The vector is initialized with default values for int, which is 0 in this case. You can access and manipulate the elements of the vector using various member functions provided by the std::vector class.