strcmp in c++ header file

Explanation of strcmp in C++ Header File

The strcmp function in the C++ header file compares two strings and returns an integer value based on the comparison.

  1. Function Signature: The strcmp function has the following signature: c++ int strcmp(const char str1, const char str2);

  2. Parameters:

  3. str1: Pointer to the first null-terminated byte string to be compared.
  4. str2: Pointer to the second null-terminated byte string to be compared.

  5. Return Value:

  6. Returns an integer value less than, equal to, or greater than zero if str1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than str2.

  7. Comparison Process:

  8. The function compares the strings pointed to by str1 and str2 character by character until a null character is encountered in either string.
  9. If a difference is found, the function returns the difference of the first non-matching characters.

  10. Usage Example: c++ #include <cstring> #include <iostream> int main() { const char* str1 = "hello"; const char* str2 = "world"; int result = std::strcmp(str1, str2); std::cout << "Comparison result: " << result << std::endl; return 0; } In this example, the strcmp function compares the strings "hello" and "world" and stores the result in the result variable. The output will indicate the comparison result.

  11. Header File Inclusion:

  12. To use the strcmp function, the <cstring> header file should be included in the C++ program.

  13. Additional Notes:

  14. It's important to ensure that the strings being compared are null-terminated to avoid unexpected behavior.