c++ compile to msi

  1. Write your C++ code using a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE).
  2. Save the C++ code with a .cpp file extension.
  3. Open a command prompt or terminal window.
  4. Navigate to the directory where the C++ file is saved using the cd command.
  5. Compile the C++ code using a C++ compiler like g++ or cl. For example: g++ -o outputFileName inputFileName.cpp or cl /EHsc inputFileName.cpp
  6. After successful compilation, an executable file (e.g., outputFileName.exe) will be generated.
  7. Create a WiX Toolset XML file (e.g., installer.wxs) to define the MSI installation package.
  8. Use the WiX Toolset compiler (candle.exe) to compile the WiX XML file: candle.exe installer.wxs
  9. Use the WiX Toolset linker (light.exe) to link the compiled XML file and the C++ executable: light.exe installer.wixobj
  10. The output of the linking step will be an MSI file (e.g., installer.msi), which is the installer for your C++ application.