how to use printf with microseconds c++

To use printf with microseconds in C++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Include the necessary header file: To use the printf function, you need to include the <cstdio> header file in your C++ program. This header file provides the functionality for formatted input/output operations.
#include <cstdio>
  1. Use the printf function: The printf function allows you to format and print output to the console. To print microseconds, you can use the %lld format specifier for a long long int data type.
long long int microseconds = 123456789;
printf("Microseconds: %lld\n", microseconds);

In this example, the value 123456789 is stored in the microseconds variable. The %lld format specifier is used to print the value as a long long int.

  1. Run the program: Compile and run your C++ program to see the output. The printf function will print the value of microseconds to the console.
Microseconds: 123456789

The output will display the value of microseconds as 123456789, indicating that the printf function successfully printed the value with microseconds.

That's how you can use printf with microseconds in C++.