string to int c#

To convert a string to an int in C#, you can use the int.Parse() method. Follow the steps below to perform the conversion:

  1. Start by declaring a string variable that holds the value you want to convert to an int. For example, let's say the string variable is named strNumber and it holds the value "123".

  2. Use the int.Parse() method to convert the string to an int. Pass the string variable as an argument to the method. Assign the result to an int variable. For example, let's say the int variable is named intValue. The code would look like this: int intValue = int.Parse(strNumber);.

  3. If the conversion is successful, the value of intValue will be the equivalent integer value of the string. In this case, intValue would be 123.

  4. If the string cannot be converted to an int (e.g., if the string contains non-numeric characters), a FormatException will be thrown. To handle this, you can wrap the conversion code in a try-catch block and handle the exception accordingly.

That's it! You have successfully converted a string to an int in C# using the int.Parse() method.