sfml thread multi argument function

Using SFML in C++ to Create a Thread with a Multi-Argument Function

#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <iostream>

void functionWithArgs(int arg1, float arg2) {
    std::cout << "Arguments: " << arg1 << " and " << arg2 << std::endl;

int main() {
    int arg1 = 42;
    float arg2 = 3.14f;

    sf::Thread thread(&functionWithArgs, arg1, arg2);

    // Do other work while the thread is running...

    return 0;
  1. Include SFML Libraries: Include the SFML system header to work with threads and the iostream header for input/output operations.

  2. Define Function with Arguments: Create a function functionWithArgs that takes two arguments: an integer arg1 and a float arg2. This function simply outputs the values of the arguments.

  3. Main Function: Define the main function.

  4. Set Argument Values: Declare and initialize variables arg1 and arg2 with values 42 and 3.14 respectively.

  5. Create Thread: Create an SFML Thread object called thread and pass the function functionWithArgs and its arguments arg1 and arg2 to the constructor.

  6. Launch Thread: Launch the thread using the launch method. This starts the execution of the thread.

  7. Do Other Work: Perform other operations while the thread is running.

  8. Wait for Thread to Finish: Call the wait method on the thread to wait for it to finish its execution.

  9. Return: End the main function and return 0 to indicate successful program execution.